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9.0 inch 1024*105 bar lcd module 1000nits RGB tft...
4.3 inch MCU to RGB 480*272 800nits tft lcd module...
4.3 inch Capacitive Touch Screen IIC USB Interface...
HDMI 10.1 inch 1280*800 Capacitive Touch display...
10.1inch USB capacitive touch screen monitor for...
12.3 inch Multi-Touch LCD Touch Screen Replacement
7 inch Capacitive Touch Screen USB with anti glare...
2.4 inch 240*320 LCD Display SPI Interface ILI9341...
2.8 inch 240*320 LCD Display SPI Interface STM32
3.3 inch 160*160 FSTN Graphic LCD Dispay UC1698U...
3.8 inch128*64 Graphic Display STN ST7565P Dirver...
1.3 inch132*32 STN Monochrome Display ST7560...
8 inch TFT LCD Module 800*1280 500nits MIPI IPS...
8 inch LCD Module 800*1280 500nits MIPI large...
RONDELI Main products are Color TFT, capacitive touch panel, resistive touch screen, Monochrome LCD & LCM, OLED, hdmi dirver board display, character dot matrix .segment LCD cover TN, HTN, STN, FSTN, VA etc, integrating COG, TAB, COB and other techniques. RONDELI products widely used in household appliances, consumer, automotive, education, security, industrial control, medical and intelligent equipment, power equipment, aerospace, military, and many other fields.